Friday, August 16, 2024

August 17, deaths and explanations


Eight years and still there is no clear explanation for how, why, and who managed to kill twenty innocent people in Barcelona Ramblas and Cambrils. The death by police action of the supposed perpetrators kept everyone from getting answers. The only survivors of the terrorist cell did not know much anyway.

However, the growing suspicion of the involvement of obscure forces with ties with the Spanish state and the PP government remains.

The following was written in this blog back then:

"All these maneuvers to discredit the Catalan Police, els Mossos d'Esquadra, are to counteract the well-gained prestige of the corps in their response to the terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils. Their actions, plus the management of the crisis by the Generalitat, was a blatant demonstration that Catalonia is a mature and well-organized society, with most of the trappings needed to become an independent state. The figure of the Mayor dels Mossos, the chief cop, came out very favorably in his TV appearances. This was unbearable for the Spanish nationalist front. In fact, the Spanish government was counting on taking over the commandment of the Mossos to interrupt and counteract the voting next October 1st. That will be nearly impossible now. Furthermore, to bring to the front pages a possible misconduct by the Mossos or their superiors in the Catalan administration, on charges of not using the intelligence reports, is just a cover up for all the strange affairs surrounding the figure of Abdelbaqui-es-Sati, the imam of Ripoll. He was the head of the terrorist cell, who died in the explosion in Alcanar the day before the attacks. He had so many police and law infringement records it all smelled of an operative agent. He has likely been a police informant, probably with the Guardia Civil. It is very strange, having spent four years in prison, freed in 2014, he traveled freely to Morocco, Belgium, and Switzerland, and at least once he was spotted taking the hajj to Meca with a group of youngsters. His name and passport must have raised a red flag more than once. Unless his records were erased or labeled confidential." 

Well, no proof of the supposed death of the Imam in the explosion at the house in Alcanar has been found. Only one small piece of an ID card. Not even the minimal piece of his body. Did he go to the heaven of the 99 virgins unscathed or pulverized? The obvious conclusion is that he was not there. He may not be even alive today, as covert operators are keen on eliminating witnesses or molesting agents once they have finished a job. Because there is no question the imam was a confidant of the Guardia Civil.

As the text referred to, back then, ended: the Spanish state still had a lot to explain.

August 2024

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