Tuesday, October 23, 2007
A day in court (more on child abuse)
The court accepted that the child had been injured in two occasions, two months apart. No mention was made of the fact that the first incident, reported to the court and Child Protection services, did not prompted any action, allowing for the second battering to take place.
This did not surprise me. But it really made me mad and I could not help myself but to go to the press. I published an article in the local press that reproduced part of a recent paper on child abuse I published in a Social Work journal, with a strong criticism to the judiciary and the Child protection services.
A rough translation from Spanish of a excerpt follows:
“…probable, the worst aggression against the rights of children is the one perpetrated by those designed by society precisely of their protection. The shiftlessness, the laziness, the incompetence of agencies and their professionals and officials in situations of child abuse is the worst treason that can be inflicted to a minor and his rights…
… the cronyism of the judges, the cover up policies of government agencies, more interested in preserving their lazy seats is of no use to defend the trampled rights of the victims of abuse and represents no guaranties for future victims under the present circumstances….”
A full text can be found in Agathos, num. 3, sept 2007, pp 28-34, ISSN 1578-3103.
Even though I have proof that the text has been not just read, but reviewed both by the judges and the Child Protection agency officials, no one has dared to answer or comment publicly.
I do not know whether this affair is finally over. I expected some reaction to my -say-exploits but nothing is coming my way just yet. I am bracing myself because I trust no one and it would not surprise me some delayed action of reprisal. Will see. And, no one doubt it, I will respond in kind.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
CYA protocol
That was not to be. Gradually, one by one, the different agencies and institutions issued statements justifying their activities, claiming their faithful adherence to the protocols established and putting the blame on no one.
By a peculiar serendipity I could follow part of the investigations proceedings in the Department of Welfare, in
I was expecting a more clear statement of the deficiencies and the system and an also clear definition of who had acted properly and who just neglected their duties, but the report collected the facts and spread thinly the responsibilities onto everyone involved, with a call for better coordination procedures and blaming the services overload of cases as the most detectable cause of the poor handling of the case.
Curiously enough, the report was published the last day of July, just before the long vocational period that closes up most of the judicial system and the administration agencies, and the news media rest in the hands of young professionals and students taking summer jobs in newspapers and TV stations, and the whole scenario turns to rather light matters.
The head of the Department of Welfare, who had declared that “her hand would not tremble” if there were decisions on the responsibilities to be taken, apparently has reduced her doses of Akineton, because all she claims is a reorganization of the on-the-job training for the officials involved in cases like this one. No heads will roll, nor will legal actions involve anyone but the parents of the mistreated child.
Altogether this all means that the “Cover Your Ass” protocol is functioning actively, and let’s turn the page. September will bring new things to worry about.
But I am not going to put up with this lack of accountability. I am going to fight for the application of common sense and go to the press with the whole affair now that everybody is on holidays. I hope someone will get a bit burn from other thing than just the Mediterranean sun.
I’ll keep you all posted.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
The following text is rather long for blogs but the intention is not just to publish it but to make sure stays online. Its is about a rather sorry affair I am not sure will end well. It is written in English because I follow the Miranda advise that anything I say may and will be used against me. So be it. But at least they will have to take the trouble of translating it into Spanish.
Keep on reading:
Child abuse mismanagement in a modern society
Modern societies are supposed to control and rationalize the miseries of everyday life. Child abuse is one of those miseries with a sad tendency to mismanagement. Over the years, the society has produced a vast array of laws, policies, regulations and norms, as well as it has created a number of agencies whose aim is to provide, foster and regulate child protection.
The different agents and administrations involved, however, often collide in their efforts and a child may end up a victim of “institutional abuse”: the wrong results of the combined actions taken by those responsible of caring for the wellbeing of a child.
Social services, child protection agencies, juvenile courts, medical pediatric services, foster homes, concerned parents, NGO’s saving children, foundations, school boards, charities groups, law enforcement agencies, police, district attorneys and many more, seem to include in their charters a special concern for the children and their mishaps. But all too often the firemen trample over each other water hoses and the end result is a one more disgrace overcoming an innocent child.
Such has been experienced recently in our country when a child, placed for adoption because inability of his biological mother to care for him, after three years was returned to this mother by a court order, just to become again a victim of abandonment and abuse by his mentally deranged mother. The legal battle that ensued occupied vast spaces in the news and the “bleeding hearts” television talk --or rather, bark-- shows for weeks. It was called “el niño del Rollo” case, for the name of the little hamlet of El Rollo, in central
About a year ago, in
This past week another scandalous case loomed over, closer to me. On late April a 5 and a half month old baby was admitted by our Trauma unit with a spiral fracture of her mid femur. She had been sent by her family pediatrician with the suspicion of child abuse. No good explanation for the injury was provided by the family. The doctor sent a regular routine court notice of an injury. The X-Ray survey showed a periostal thickening in the tibia compatible with a previous fracture or injury. With that we reported the case to the judge, in
It took (!) two days to contact Social Services, in
The “juzgado de guardia”, the judge on duty shifted the case to another court, the nº 3 “Juzgado de instruccion”. The Spanish court system calls for an “instructor judge” to initiate court actions instead of the equivalent to district attorneys, the “fiscales”, who have no investigation responsibilities. Knowing this, we sent all the information by telefax to both courts and made a telephone call to confirm the reception. We also warned them that the child will be up for discharge from the hospital in a weeks’ time, as soon as the Orthopedic service was able to fix the fracture after few days of extension treatment with weights.
During these days supposedly Social Services con
I was going to regret that decision.
On June 10th, the little girl, now almost 7 mo. old, was brought to the ER by paramedics because she had been taken by her father to an emergency clinic in her home town with what appeared to be a grand mal tonic-clonic generalized seizure. She had been administered one dose of diazepam and was in a post convulsive unresponsive state. She also had a bruise on her right malar (cheek bone) area. No explanation for this was given.
Because of the hemorrhage we set the child for transportation to
Later in the day, two officers of the Guardia Civil showed up in our floor asking about the child and the father. “
All this seems hard to believe now-a-days when just about everybody carries a cellular phone. During the (short) hospital stay in our service, the nursing personnel had been unsuccessfully trying to contact the mother. The father could not provide information of her whereabouts, nor was possible to contact her workplace, closed at those hours.
As the abandonment of the other sibling and the strange family relationships constituted more than suspicious of another case of child mistreatment, I sent the Guardia Civil officers to the court and called myself to report the incidence.
As I was talking to the court clerk, I mentioned that in this sorry affair we all will not be looking very good. At that moment, the judge in charge (a woman judge) picked up the phone and gave me an overly exaggerated rundown on keeping from criticizing court decisions or I would be charged in contempt (!!). I mumbled an excuse and ended the conversation, surprised of the overreaction which soon enough will regain its meaning.
That evening, with the child being transferred to another hospital, the intervention of the Guardia Civil and the rest, the incidence hit the news agencies. The next morning it was all over the front pages and radio news bulletins, and… the bonfire of vanities came to reality.
It was quite obvious that neither the court nor the Social Services had been diligent enough to make decisions to avoid a second incidence of severe case of child abuse.
It has been some time since I knew the difference between an event and the news related. The event was a perpetuation of child abuse while the victim was supposed to be under official watch. The news was the lack of coordination between agencies and the judicial system. Reminding the “Alba case” it hit the front pages with a vengeance.
I spent more than eight hours, under instructions of the hospital administration along with our PR unit, answering radio stations calls, giving interviews to newspaper journalist and being filmed by 6 or 7 different television stations and networks, telling what had happened.
The social services, the DGAIA refused to answer in the press directly but issued an statement claiming that when, one month before, they have asked the court for a ruling o, at least, information about the case and the family court statements, this had been denied by the judge in the ground that they had not appeared in the initial arraignment. Therefore they carried no further actions. Nothing, nada.
The police, acting under court orders had detained the father in
The next morning the media pressure was overwhelming and the different agencies administration officials became hysterical. The hospital Administration was relatively quiet because they though we have done all we could and, particularly, because I was taking all the burden of public appearances in a situation that nobody would look very pretty. But soon enough I was going to suffer the consequences of bureaucratic frantic attitudes.
I had been invited by a major television network to next morning’s talk show, a quite influential show anchored by Josep Cuni, a popular television newsman. I had appeared in that show a few times in the past, usually in matters related to child care, emergency medicine and the overcrowding of ERs in our country, bioethics and, also, child abuse. So it was just natural they invited me this time. They were going to send me a courtesy car to go to the TV station, just to minimize the inconveniences and shorten my time compromised.
That was not going to happen. The shit had really hit the fan and different government agencies were scurrying around and setting up CYA (“cover your ass”) actions and barriers and enlisting all the spin doctors they could get hold of.
The government officials got wind of the possibility of that TV appearance of mine and I was urgently summoned at the, for Spanish schedule standards, ungodly hour of
Miserably altogether a fool’s errand: I called the TV station to decline my appearance. The station had enough footage from my interview the day before, so they just edited it in between interventions of the rest of the program guests. That way I ended up having a larger show time than what I could have been allotted had I been present. Not that I could care less. By then I was pretty fed up with the whole affair and very unhappy with the censorship.
The next morning the Sant Joan de Deu Hospital issued a statement on the child status and mentioned that, along with the injuries previously described, a more careful review of the images showed evidence of a parietal skull fracture. On those grounds the judge. Who obviously had been chastised by the press and, undoubtedly, her peers, ordered the immediate arrest of the father again.
I was then called to testify in court. The judge, after informing me of my rights in a rather, and probably hardly legal, perfunctory way, announced that she only wanted to take my statements in regard the second admission of the child. Then she went on asking about the skull fracture and “how in earth had we had missed that(!)”, which to her was of paramount importance as she had had to put a man in jail because of it. Knowing the judge demure from this and the previous con
All the agencies involved in the case: the Social services (DGAIA), the Overhead Committee of the Supreme Court that watches over judges, and the Department of Health (in behalf of the hospital) issued statements saying that, with the information available, all services had followed the protocols and that they did not contemplate any mishandling of the situation (sic!).
Probably out of surprise and concern, the Catalonia Ombudsman, Mr. Rafael Ribó, a former leader of the Catalan Communist Party, now retired from politics and a sensible man --not all communist had horns and devil’s tails—called for an interdepartmental conference on the case held this past Friday, but from what I heard in the news, the Ombudsman office will take a distant stance until specific responsibilities are cleared at the departmental levels.
It has been some time since I read Tom Wolfe’s “The Bonfire of Vanities” but the scenario came to me very vividly. I do remember, however, quite distinctly the scene in the movie of the same title where Morgan Freeman, acting as the presiding judge in one the final sequences, made a strong call for DECENCY to all present. That again is what I found missing in this sorry affair.
The child remains in the SJDD hospital pediatric ICU. They inserted a drainage in his head and are waiting for recovering.
The little sister, who was also a victim of abandonment, to my knowledge is in care of her mother who does not seem a very reliable person, something meriting revision.
Meantime the press is watchful of further developments and promising more exposés in the near future.
As for myself, I will stick to my guns and probably review the chapter on child abuse of the new edition of my book on Psychosocial Pediatrics. Probably I will recommend the readers that, in case of child abuse, if they want things done, report to not only social services and the courts, but to the press as well and all at once. It is possible that under the public eye the bureaucrats may be more diligent.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
La “gola de mitjorn” y el cambio climático

Pues no es que vaya a comparar una observación puntual con el fárrago de estudios científicos de sesudos investigadores que ominosamente nos anuncian el fin del mundo tal y como lo conocemos. Es que ya estoy un poco harto de jeremias y casandras y de las quejas de “la caló”, cuando a mi me parece que hay poco nuevo bajo el sol que nos calienta y que el tiempo meteorológico siempre ha estado un poco loco y nunca llueve a gusto de todos.
El caso es que el 5 de mayo de este año del señor, la “gola de mitjorn”, la boca más meridional del río Ebro, no llega al mar. Una barra de arena de unos
O sea, que el nivel del mar no ha subido, de momento. Y el delta se despierta algo más húmedo porque estamos ya en época de siembra del arroz.
Lo que los científicos vaticinan como consecuencia de las evidencias de aumento de la concentración de gases con efecto invernadero son cambios a medio plazo y que los humanos no vamos a percibir. O por lo menos no lo vamos a notar en la factura de la calefacción.
Los registros de temperatura que afirman que los últimos años han sido los más cálidos del siglo (pasado) no me dan ni frío ni calor. Lo de los glaciares y el casquete polar está dentro de lo que puede pasar por mil motivos. Mientras el polo norte disminuye su hielo hay evidencia de que en
Este invierno ha nevado poco en el Pirineo. Pero también nevó poco hace unos años en Sierra Nevada cuando tuvieron que suspender el mundial de ski. Si se mira al pasado siempre los tiempos, atmosféricos y vitales fueron distintos. En el siglo XV François Villon, en su «Ballade des dames du temps jadis» se preguntaba que a donde habían ido a parar las nieves de antaño (“Mais où sont les neiges d’antan?”). En la misma época Jorge Manrique opinaba que “cualquiera tiempo pasado fue mejor” y algo más sobre las vidas y los ríos que van a morir al mar.
Pues el ramal sur del Ebro no “muere” en el mar. Ahí sigue, vivito y coleando, alimentando grullas y regando arrozales. Y cualquiera tiempo pasado fue simplemente igual y, en algunas cosas, bastante peor.
Lo que no cambia es el interés de los poderosos en meternos miedo a los humanos de a pie. No sea que vayamos a creernos que el mundo es nuestro y no suyo y se lo quitemos.
Decidle a Al Gore de mi parte que, cuando se vaya, no se olvide de apagar el televisor.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
La desaparició dels metges de capçalera

Continuem fent servir el terme per a referir-nos als professionals d’atenció primària que, en un disseny de pràctica assistencial desenvolupat al segle passat, se’n fes càrrec de l’atenció immediata dels malalts i en proximitat.
La gradual desaparició de l’assistència domiciliària, sobre tot a l’àmbit de l’assistència pública, així dita “de
Això sí, els nous equips d’assistència domiciliaria reprodueixen el model, però no el concepte. El mateix que la figura de “metge de família”, la qualitat del metge de capçalera s’ha atribuït al seu coneixement proper del malalt, quasi íntim. Aquest coneixement proper era generador de confiança. I aquesta confiança, de respecte al diagnòstic i compliment de tractaments i recomanacions per part del malalt.
Una bona part d’aquesta confiança raïa en la memòria del professional. El metge coneixia al malalt i els seus antecedents i història personal. Però això és un luxe que al segle XXI ja no es podem permetre. Ningú pot refiar-se de que un professional se’n recordi de tot el que li ha passat ni que ho faci amb fiabilitat.
L’historial clínic, en les seves versions en paper o en memòria cibernètica ha esdevingut un eina de treball massa important, i la complexitat de les dades recollides i la multiplicitat dels malalts no permeten deixar els registres només que a la memòria humana.
El treball en equip, o el treball dels equips, també acaben per substituir al professional únic en l’atenció. Els malalts han desplaçat la seva confiança del professional únic cap als professionals disponibles, i tal és l’efecte que això te en l’actual inaturable creixement de la demanda als serveis d’urgències: la gent s’estima més que l’atenguin quan els hi convé, per part d’un professional desconegut, que no pas pel seu metge que només està disponible unes hores concretes.
No seré jo qui jutgi les bondats o distorsions d’aquesta realitat. Em limito a constatar-la. Però si que recomano que els responsables de la distribució de l’assistència ho tinguin en compta i que s’adaptin a la realitat.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
De diversidad cultural

Ahí va:
Durante siglos el conocimiento en temas de salud se mantenía con un cierto paralelismo entre la gente y los doctos. Aunque los doctos adquirían saber con el estudio y con la experiencia, el ritmo de la adquisición, aunque gradual y progresivo, se mantenía en unos límites humanos, por no decir personales.
El traspaso del conocimiento a la población se hacía por el contacto, la consulta y la observación de los aconteceres. Aún así, a menudo los doctos intentaban ocultar el conocimiento y, a menudo, su ignorancia lata, con el uso del latín en su discurso y la caligrafía ininteligible en sus prescripciones. Así mantenían una cierta distancia de seguridad.
Entre la población, los depositarios del saber eran las familias, generalmente las mujeres, las madres, que los trasmitían a su descendencia de forma más o menos fiel. Y la siguiente generación lo incorporaba y lo elaboraba gradualmente.
Con el desarrollo de la medicina científica el progreso del conocimiento adquiere características exponenciales. Una muestra es la progresión del número de publicaciones que aparecen en el Medline. El conocimiento crece y los profesionales lo adquieren en proporción también creciente, pero cada vez resulta más difícil traducir esos nuevos conocimientos a la población por la también creciente complejidad del conocimiento.
Ahí se genera un distanciamiento cada vez mayor, hasta el extremo que profesionales y pacientes apenas comparten conocimientos o, ni siquiera, un mismo lenguaje.
En esa distancia, que es ya cultural, reside la percepción de la población de que la asistencia ha dejado de ser “humana”. Pertenece a otra dimensión. El reto es salvar esa distancia de forma eficaz y recuperar la confianza de la población.
La llegada de nuevos inmigrantes procedentes de otras culturas ha puesto de manifiesto una distancia cultural obvia. Pero cuando se pregunta a los inmigrantes cuáles son las dificultades que encuentran para relacionarse con los profesionales asistenciales, relatan los mismos problemas que la población autóctona: “no me atienden, no me entienden, me dedican poco tiempo, no comprendo lo que me dicen, son distantes, no me miran, sólo soy un número…“ etc. etc.
Los profesionales deben adquirir nuevas habilidades, nuevas competencias para conseguir salvar esa distancia. Deberán ser más humanos, es decir menos “sabios cibernéticos inalcanzables”, ¿menos extraterrestres, quizá? Así se “humaniza”, se reduce a la dimensión humana la asistencia.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Breaking and entering
And that’s our most recent adventure when last Monday, in the wee hours of the morning, an intruder broke into our home through one of the kitchen’s windows. On hearing a minor crack in the stairway, I woke up, grabbed a long walking stick I keep by my bedside and confronted the bastard, shouting my head off: “I’ll kill you, son-of-a-bitch…!” and few other niceties the Spanish language allows. He run away and lost himself in the nearby woodland.
The only thing missing was my wife's purse that was sitting in a bench by the stairway, which we later found in the garden with everything but the money, some 100 €.
The police came over in a few minutes but there was no trace of the intruder. In the morning, when the police came by to finish their work up, they informed us that there had been five more homes in the neighborhood assaulted that very night, but the others did not found out they have been assaulted until they woke up in the morning. “Silent robbers” are called the bastards.
After more than twenty years of peaceful living in our neighborhood, not caring much for building fences or locking doors, a recent wave of robberies is making our life a bit uneasy. We are not sure getting anti-burglar alarm systems will restore our peace. Nor upgrading my walking stick to a more deadly weapon either. Mind you the walking stick is more of a pole: a four foot long, one and a half inch thick ash wood rod, with a thick knob in one end and tapered in the other, ending with a metal tip. This is used commonly by the
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Una tercera hora de castellano en las escuelas catalanas
Andamos otra vez a la greña por dirigir desde la política la educacions de los niños. Ahora toca (la verdad es que no se que es el que toc o lo que se toca...) añadir una tercera hora a la enseñanza del castellano (también llamado Español, por cierto) en las escuelas catalanas.
Ser bilingüe va más allá de aprender una lengua en una escuela de idiomas para trabajar de recepcionista en un hotel o navegar por Internet. Incluye pensar, sentir y emocionarse en más de una lengua. Y eso es una riqueza indudable. Los que la tenemos no debemos perderla. En ningún sentido.
No se si un periódico también puede llegar a tener demencia senil. Pero quizá que
Monday, January 15, 2007
War, peace, oil prices and whatever comes. A theory of conflict
A pretty picture that was not to be.
But it could have happened in Iraq. The Shiite imams could have helped out, the Kurds up North could have been ready to negotiate some autonomous settlement... The country pacified, up on its feet, the commerce working and the oil fields pumping happily millions of barrels of oil to fuel the First World energy craving, even the Third World needs to catch up a bit...
What? Oh, no! Who ever said we need a happy world?
Those millions of barrels of Iraqi oil would drag oil prices down so much as to make absolutely impossible for the oil producers of Texas, Oklahoma or even the Alaskan fields to compete. Cheap oil means increases in oil use and thus increases in air pollutants, and that is bad, isn't it? Cheap oil means fewer margins for speculation, for wheelings and dealings in the international markets, less returns for investors that put their money this past year on the fluctuations of Brent at 80 bucks the barrel. It would be the ruin for commodities brokers...
Nay, nay. What we need is a unstable market, moving confortably upwards but jolted between now and then by a nice little terrorist attack so the stock moves, the faint-hearted get scared and sell to a loss, and the bold reap a profit...
Does anyone believe that George W wants to finish up the Iraq mess? If he and his cronies are as smart as they claim to be, it is obvious that what they are doing is to extend the conflict because that's what they want. They are not failing in their purpose, are they?
No, I have not seen Michael Moore's movie. I even think he is missing the point. GW is not dumb: he is working for what he honestly believes: a better world... with enough stress to keep the things moving.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Entre acelgas y Massiel
De pie y en la entrada del servicio de Pediatría del hospital estaba una dama como vistosa o, digamos, llamativa, a quien no pude identificar, con cara de angustia, a la que presté escasa atención.
Hay que añadir que en aquel entonces y en aquel sitio no era infrecuente encontrar personajes más o menos pintorescos o, como ahora se entiende, famosos.
Al cabo de un rato dábamos de alta un niño que se había pillado un brazo en la puerta del ascensor y que habían atendido en el servicio de Traumatología. Me dirigí a su madre, la dama en cuestión, con cortesía elemental para asegurarle que las lesiones curarían sin secuelas y en poco tiempo y que acudiese a la consulta para revisión en unos días.
No fue hasta el día siguiente que en la prensa, y luego al cabo de pocos días en la prensa del colorín, apareció la noticia de que el hijo de Massiel había tenido un percance y había sido atendido en el hospital. Y supe entonces quien era la dama.
Las acelgas creces silvestres en un talud que bordea el depósito de aguas que hay cerca de donde vivo y sirven de alimento a la numerosa colonia de conejos que allí habita. Cuando hicieron el talud utilizaron como relleno tierras procedentes de una zona de huertas cerca del río y con ella llegaron las semillas. Sólo las he “cosechado” una vez y, frescas y hervidas, eran naturalmente comestibles.
No quisiera mostrar entusiasmo por las acelgas y otras verduras verdes, válganos la redundancia, como las espinacas, las borrajas y las coles. Que haya "verduras" que no sean verdes es una rara ocurrencia; se las llama hortalizas, que viene de huerta, como ojeriza de ojo y paliza de palo. Siempre he creído que detrás de la insistencia de madres y dietistas expertos en la conveniencia de ingerir verduras por lo de la fibra, el potasio y otras bondades, existe alguna maldad.
Me produce una cierta resistencia comer cosas cuyas bondades no están en su aspecto, gusto, aroma o consistencia, sino porque sirven para cagar y mear bien, mantener la tensión arterial controlada y prevenir el cáncer de colon.
Y que nadie se escandalice porque parezca que traiciono los sacrosantos principios de la profesión que ejerzo. Los médicos tratamos enfermos y enfermedades. Si puedo parafrasear a Clemenceau (¿o era Tayllerand?) cuando hablaba de guerras y guerreros, creo que la salud, la Salud con mayúscula, es una cosa demasiado seria como para dejarla en las pecadoras manos de los médicos.