Monday, March 23, 2020

CoViD-19, a new adventure

Well into the second month of what has become the most threatening epidemic in the recent past, I retake this blog just to preserve some of the writings I have been publishing in different social media. Eventually, many will seem useless, outdated, senseless and even ridiculous, but that is what happens with history, anyway.
The following was written to advise English speaking visitors and tourists in our area two days before the government declared the state of alarm ordering the confinement of the population.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic. This current epidemy is caused by a virus of the same family of SARS and MERS although causes much less severe illness. Most patients will only suffer like a cold or mild flu with fever (low grade), cough, throat pain, tiredness and malaise. Less than 5%, particularly the immunosuppressed, the elderly and people with chronic or multiple diseases, will go into a more severe clinical situation with pneumonia and multiorgan failure that may lead to death.
At the moment there is no vaccine for the COVID-19 and antiviral agents are only partially successful in treatment.
The infection is transmitted only from person to person. No food, water, open-air nor pets carry the virus. Surfaces, appliances or handles touched by contagious people may contain the virus, but that only for a few minutes, perhaps a few hours, as the virus cannot survive out of a living person.
People who get the virus may be contagious for some 10 to 14 days.

Measures of control. Public. They are aimed to reduce the number of cases by keeping people away from each other The main concern is that a rapidly spreading epidemy may clog up the Health system and resources. Thus the confinement orders include the closing of schools, sports and other public events and shows, as well as stores, shop malls, bars, restaurants, meetings or any other situations that gather people. And reduce trips and travel to a minimum. People are to stay at home.

Private. Stay away from other persons, keeping at least a 3-4 foot distance, as the droplets everyone emits with breathing and speech fell down. Do not kiss, embrace or otherwise touch anyone if at all possible.
Face masks are of little use unless you are contagious yourself.
Wear disposable gloves or some other piece of cloth, plastic or disposable tissue when touching door handles, rails, elevator buttons or switches. And wash your hands often.
The whole idea is not just to protect yourselves but to protect others should you may be an unsuspected carrier of the virus. 

Everyday survival. Up to now, the government assures the supply of basic food and medicines. Food stores, supermarkets and pharmacies will remain open.
No need to hoard food. However, to reduce walks to the shops, a good idea is to get supplies (for a week or so) of basic non-perishable food staples such as rice, pasta, beans, oil or butter, bread or crackers, or some canned or frozen food. Fruits and vegetables should be available as fruit shops and street open vendors will be operative.

Entertainment. As museums and exhibitions, as well as public shows, are all closed down, walks and exercise in open spaces with no people are recommended. The local beaches are a very good choice.

Money. Although you can use credit cards just about everywhere, some small shops and street vendor may shun away from a foreign credit card. Get some cash from a teller as a reserve, as it may be possible tellers may no be refurbished and run out of money.

Tarragona, March 14th, 2020


A few days later the epidemic was raging on and the confinement orders were more strict, open markets and street vendors were forbidden. Everybody was to stay at home. Parks, public spaces and even beaches were also closed...

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